Hermitage, Cape Coral, FL

The inspiration for this project was the natural surroundings we live in. Our client requested the style and colors reflect the colors of nature that they come to this area to enjoy. This home is a seasonal home in the winter months to share with their extended family. The entry of the home welcomes you with cool colors of the water. A hand painted mural in the sitting room features a coastal water scene and sets the tone for this tropical interior. The color palette ranges from aqua and blues downstairs which represent the ocean colors; to coral and reds upstairs to represent the beautiful sunsets. The master suite is best described as an oasis for these clients to retreat. Custom designed area rug sets the tone for this relaxing room. The master bath was designed to feel like a spa and features seafoam glass tiles which reflect the light from the bubble crystal chandelier. Hand blown custom color glass flowers also serve as a focal point from the entry. The kitchen and dining room are a large open space which features a curved bar to gather around. Grey wash wood tones and natural stone floors warm this space and makes it inviting. Several local artist are featured in this home including a custom canvas, bronze statue, metal art sculptures and hand blown glass sculptures. These customer came to us with an vision of their dream home and we worked closely to help make their dream a reality.